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Analysis: EFFECTIVENESS in Time

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Analysis: EFFECTIVENESS in Time

Provides insight into the dynamics of the Solitair/OEE/OOE/TEEP. By means of configurable bar-charts you will be able to follow the development of:

  • the availability losses,
  • the performance losses,
  • the quality losses,
  • the resulting KPI,

that incurred during the selected time period for a specific machine, shift, and/or team.

The Effectiveness in Time graph will assist you with analyzing the OEE/OOE/TEEP value and the losses of a specific machine, shift and/or team over a specific time period. It is one of the powerful ways to quickly gain an overview of the development of the effectiveness of a (group of) machine(s).

OEE ChartDisplays OEE data in 100% stacked bars for each shift/day/week/month (depending on selected period). Losses can be visualized in two ways: visualized in availability-, performance-, quality (and unscheduled and not scheduled time) bar segmentsvisualize while splitting (one of the) categorie(s) in its sub-categories like visualized in loss categories; Waiting, failures, minor stops, rework etc.
OOE ChartSame as above, yet includes unscheduled time as a loss that reduces the effectiveness parameter ‘OOE’
TEEP ChartSame as above, yet includes besides unscheduled time also all non registered time (24/7) as a loss that reduces the effectiveness parameter ‘TEEP’
Solitair ChartSame as OEE chart, however all line-restraints are excluded

What does it look like

(1) generated GraphShows the development of the effectiveness in time. (see next table)
(2) Data-FilterWhat data will be shown?
(3) KPIA radiobutton allows to switch between the display of Solitair ((A-LineRestraints) x P x Q) OEE (A x P x Q) OOE (Scheduled x A x P x Q) TEEP (Utilized x Scheduled x A x P x Q).
(4)Each bar is an agregations of data per shift/day/week/month
(5)How many bars should be displayed in one screen? When more then one screen: at the right top of the graph the screens can be navigated.
(5)Should one of the rates be splitted in its sub-categories?
(6)See next tables
(6)Validated Data: Should we validate data before processing?
(7)Unvalidated: Data have not been validated before processing Validated: Data have been validated en found to be correct Based on incorrect data in data-entry screen: Graph has been generated yet is not be fully reliaible. Data errors have to be corrected first.

(6) Show Items when 0

When a period in the selected range has no data, an ‘empty bar space’ will be displayed. You may want to hide such empty spaces. See below the difference:

(6) Andon

(For explanation of Andon concept, please see [ What is the Andon-system ]

Displays the Andon values as defined in master-tabel ‘Machines’ as two lines in the chart:

The Andon-lines are helpful to give the team guidance:

  • Are you below Red? Report what goes wrong, what needs to be done in order to prevent this from reoccurring?
  • Are you above Green? Report what was different, can we do this more often? What do we need to get more of this?

(6) OEE Top Line

In OEE-Top the performance-rate is calculated agains NPC (Name Plate Capacity) instead of the  Theoretical Maximum per product on the machine.

In the chart below we see the OEE-Top line is same as OEE bars. This means all produced products were produced at design-speed of the equipment.

When there is a difference between OEE and OEE-top, this might be an indicator that the product mix might be allocated on a less optimal machine (e.g.  The OEE-Top line is helpful to see the deviations of performance due to different maximum speeds of products.

This example shows that the OEE Top line follows the OEE values. That means that this machine produces its products at a maximum speed that equals the Name Plate Capacity. Therefore, nothing can be gained by rearranging the product mix over different machines.

(6) Best of Best Line

In Best of Best an OEE value is calculated based on the BEST availability, Best Performance and Best Quality within the displayed bars.

In this example that means the best WEEK for each rate is used to calculate the Best of Best OEE.

Bear in mind, a week is already an aggregation of multiple shifts. There might have been a far higher OEE during a shift, but in this chart we first calculate a weekly A/P/Q and the best of those is used.

Typically, the best of best over all shifts will be far higher than over the weeks.

However the Best of Best over the weeks could be serve well to be used as your green Andon value, since it is proven to be possible (Although maybe not in a specific moment all together…)

The Best of Best is helpful to give the team guidance: What is possible, what did we already achieve?

In this example we see that the (weekly) OEE trend fluctuates between the 10% and 40%. The Best Of Best line lies around the 40% however individual shifts show OEE’s up to 55%. This means that it should be possible to significantly improve the present OEE!

(6) Trend Line

The Trend line shows a x-weeks moving average of your displayed OEE (or TEEP etc).

The span of the moving average can be changed in [System] [System Preferences]:

The trend-line will show the development of your effectiveness, particularly when the effectiveness is not very stable. Are we -over time- improving or not?

The OEE trend line in this example shows the average OEE based on a period of six weeks. In the case of an inconstant OEE pattern, it can indicate whether there is a noticeable upward or downward trend.

Strong Advice

If the OEE pattern is so impulsive that we need a trend line to detect whether the OEE is increasing, it is advisable to look for the cause of this variability. Is the process so out of control that ‘something different is happening every day’?

In such a situation, the improvement process should first focus on stabilizing the process (and, therefore, the OEE). Once the process has been stabilized, improvements for increasing the OEE can be started.

How it it being calculated

The trend line is a moving average of a weighted average.

From point to point, the average is calculated over a certain periode of time (as to be set in preferences)

So if we have a moving time frame of  6 weeks, per point in the chart a weighted average is being calculated

(6) Best Shift

What was the best shift seen in the range of shifts that has been used to calculate de weeks in this bar? It was nearly 77%.

So this (when data has been entered correctly) was the best actually seen shift. Where the Best of Best is a construction of three ‘best seen’, this ‘Best Shift’ did really exist; meaning this is proven to be possible.

The best shift would be a fine goal to be achieved in the continuous improvement program.

  • What were we capable of doing?
  • What were the factors that were in favor of our effectiveness?

(6) Best Week

We selected weeks to be displayed. The Best Week line shows which of the calculated weeks had the highest effectiveness.

While the best SHIFT was 77% in the selected time-span, the best WEEK was 34%.

The same can be done for Best Day/Shift/Month, depending what the bars show.

(change ‘group data by…’)

The best WEEK gives a clue what is realistically to be expected over a bit longer period of time, but can not be expected continuously. Important information for the planners!

(6) Highest/Lowest in Week

This indicator gives you an impression about the spread -thus the stability- of your effectiveness. The closer the indicators meet the average value, the more stable your effectiveness.

In this example the actual OEE is around 35% on a regular basis. Frequently, the highest OEE indicators are above 35% with a maximum OEE of 42%.

The Best Of Best line already indicated that there appeared to be much potential. The ‘highest OEE’ indicates that higher OEEs have actually been realized.

The question is: What has to happen in order for us to realize such high OEEs on a daily basis?