OEE Coach Software Help

AUTOMATIC MODE data collection

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AUTOMATIC MODE data collection

OEE Coach has 3 modes to register data (read the ‘automatic mode’ section first, and make sure to configure the sensor settings and default activities/product first!)

Behavior in automatic mode

  • Current time is used to register ‘what happens when’.
  • The time window of the current shift needs to be around the current time (you can not register current events in a shift of yesterday or tomorrow).
  • When pulses are received from the sensor, they need to be stored somewhere:
    • A [P]roduction activity needs to be present or started.
    • When the sensor initiates the start of a [P]roduction activity, the default (dummy) activity and product
    • No [W]ait, [F]ailure or [U]nscheduled can be started while the machine is receiving pulses.

How are default activity and product used

When a sensor starts to give pulses, the count of these pulses needs to be stored with a [G]ood product during a [P]roduction activity. So what happens when the current activity is [Pause] (a [W]aiting activity?)

Default (dummy) product

OEE Coach automatically stops e.g. the [Pause] activity and starts the Production activity that goes along with the product you assigned in the sensor configuration masterdata screen.

When there is just one product running on the machine, put this one here as the default. In other cases, make a dummy product in the product master table, add it to the machine in the MAP end select it here.

By choosing a meaningful name, it is clear that this dummy product needs to be changed later to identify the actual product that was produced. (E.g. ‘give the correct productname’)

Default (Dummy) [W]aiting activity

When there is no more sensor signal detected, after the given ‘short Idle threshold’ (often 1 minute) an activity with the Short Idle label is added.

After 1 minute, the Short Idle activity will be added

So in the example above, after 1 minute inactivity the short-idle activity is added.

When the machine remains idling, after 3 minutes (the ‘Waiting threshold’ is passed) the idle activity is replaced by the default waiting activity;

After 3 minutes, the ‘Give Stop Reason activity will be added

It is NOT possible to give any Idle activity when the machine is running.