OEE Coach Software Help

How to add a new ‘MACHINE’

Table of Contents

How to add a new MACHINE

To get you started, we will define the first machine and modify this according to your needs. After this you may repeat this step for the next machine(s)

Adding a new machine

  1. Go to the Master data menu:
  2. Select Machines: Result: The table Machines appears
  3. Add a new machine by clicking [+ Add]
machine screen
The master data machine screen

Machine fields



Automatic generated code for internal purpose


The name of the machine as used by the production team.



The columns Red below% and Green above % are used for the ‘Andon system’. The Andon System is an indicator function. A colored light, or line in a graph shows the ‘status’ of the machine.

Andon signal Red: The OEE is below the lowest acceptable level.Andon signal Yellow: The OEE lies within acceptable limits.

Andon signal Green: The OEE is higher than the current OEE objective.

Perhaps you are already familiar with such systems through the signal lights sticking out on many machines.

When the OEE calculation screen and the Analyses are described, the Andon system will be explained further.

Andon red below %

Give the OEE percentages below which the Andon should turn RED

Andon green above %

Give the OEE percentages below which the Andon should turn GREEN.

Below this percentage (and above RED), the Andon will turn YELLOW

Target OEE

Typically, the target OEE is somewhere in the yellow zone.

If the machine runs significantly better than target, the Andon will turn green, meaning: What happened that we want to happen more often? When it turns Red it is far below target. What happened that we do not want to happen anymore?


If you use de Financial module, extra financial fields are given here


Name Plate Capacity or Designs Speed of the equipment, expressed in the unit of measurement defined in the next field.

Data Entry Method

The default ‘Output-entry’ is Single Piece, meaning: while entering output data to this machine, you will be asked to enter one value, presenting the amount of Output being produced. Square: You will be asked to enter Length and Width, the system converts this to i.e. m2 (i.e. L2x W4=8m2)

For other options see: Different methods to enter Output

Data Collection Mode

Manual: Activities, duration etc. are entered manually

Semi-Automatic: Activities are entered manually, duration is counted automatically.

Automatic: (Default) Activities, durations, (default) Products and quantities are collected by sensor(s) and entered automatically.

Duration Format

How to register and display the duration of an activity:

  • Mmm for normal shifts (e.g. 150 min)
  • Hh:mm for normal shifts (e.g. 2:30 h)
  • Dd:hh:mm for long lasting activities (>24 hr )

Units of Measure


Unit of measurement to express the amount of produced output per unit of time. Most ‘unit’ options are predefined in the master table ‘Units of Measurements’. However if you use a different unit, you may add it first. Default is “Pcs per Minute

Note: To maintain the list with units of measurement: see II 2 Defining Units of Measurement.

Equivalent units (EQ)

A machine that is measured using a certain UoM, can use an equivalent value of the measured output.

e.g. a bottling machine calculates ‘bottles’. Its EQ value can be Liters or Grams.

OEE Coach now can automatically calculate the volume in liters or grams when it knows how many bottles have been made

If you do not need an ‘equivalent value’: select the same unit as selected with [Unit of Measure]

The ratio is defined at the output table, see: ‘II 7.4 Entering Output

How Units of Measurement are treated see: ‘Defining Units of Measurement


A machine can be part of group. Groups have to be defined first in [Master tables] – [groups]

See Defining Groups/Lines of machines

ERP number

The ID of the machine as used in SAP or other (ERP) systems