OEE Coach Software Help

How to DELETE one or more SHIFT registrations

Table of Contents

How does it work?

Once the registration of a shift has started, OEE Coach assumes it will be finished.

Since you would not like to lose data or forget to completely register a shift, OEE Coach keepes this shift ‘alive’ until it is closed.

How to close an open shift

At each new shift made (in the data-collect module), OEE Coach will remind the user when there is still an open shift. if so:

  • Go into the open shift
  • Complete the registration so the total registered time matches the shift time
  • Close the shift (in the dashboard screen of the data-satelite)

How to delete a closed shift

If you have the credentials you can delete a closed shift by going to [VIEW DATA] where you may delete the shift when it is unlocked. (Unlock first if needed)

If you can not delete a shift:

  • Is it fully registered and closed? If not do so.
  • Is it unlocked? Slide the unlock switch to unlock
  • Do you have user-rights to deleted? Assign righst or login as a user with delet-rights.

How to delete multiple shifts (closed and open)?

In cases where you were e.g. giving a training and created several demo-shifts, or a range of shifts need to be deleted, proceed as follows:

  • In [DATA] [BATCH UPDATE] select the machine from which you want to delete shiftdata.
  • Select the date-range
  • Press delete

The system will now tell you how many shifts were deleted: