ERP/OPC Reader
What this module is used for
To automatically and/or autonomously collect OEE data, OEE Coach has the ability to process OEE data from any external system that has already collected this data. This can be done real-time or retrospectively.
This module is the antagonist of the ERP Feeder, where OEE data are sent from OEE Coach TO an external (e.g. ERP) system.
When to use
In situations where OEE data is being collected in another system then OEE Data Collect; reading data from external OPC-, ERP or any other database.
How does it work
OEE Coach has a standardized import database table available, where data from any source can be written live to OEE Coach in a standardized format:

Data written to the intermediate table, the ‘Machine Channel table‘, will be read by OEE Coach at a regular interval. From there the shopfloorteam sees the newly fed information on their OEE Data Collect screen.
In the data-collect screen, the validations are performed in the usual way and additions and corrections can be made, depending on the user’s rights and necessity.
What data does it read?
The ERP/OPC Reader reads relevant OEE data such as:
- Start time of an activity
- End time of an activity
- Activity Code
- Product information
- Product Volume
Where does the Machine Channel Table resides?
The ‘machine channel table’ is the central part of the ERP/OPC Reader. This table resides in the OEE database.
What does the Machine Channel Table looks like?

Not all fields in the database must be used. Some data can still be selected manually or taken from the M-A-P.
Field descriptions
- Id and Channelid are to identify a specific channel (data source)
- Machineid relates to the machine identification coming from the external source. This can be different from the OEE machine id
- Productid relates to the product identification coming from the external source. This can be different from the OEE product id
- Producttype is not in use yet
- Datetime is the date and time of the collected data
- Partsproduced is the number of parts produced since the last record
- Ordernumber is the ordernumber coming from the external source
- Activityid relates to the activity identification coming from the external source. This can be different from the OEE activity id
- CumulativePartsproduced is a cumulative parts produced counter which is read from the external source
- Setspeed is the speed coming from the external source. If this is given it will overwrite the M-A-P set speed setting
- Theoreticalspeed is the speed coming from the external source. If this is given it will overwrite the M-A-P theoretical speed setting
- Cycleid has the value NULL when the record is created. When data is importet in OEE coach this value is the value of the cycle where the record is added
- Parameter1 to 5 can be used to record addition information from the PLC like product information or process information. This can be used to inform the operator or analyze the results
- Notes can be used to store notes provided by the operator in an external system and will be added to the cycle activity remarks
In the table below you see the data coming in from the PLC into the Machine Channel Table (in descending order):

In OEE Coach we see that same information appear in the screen:

You see that 2 production runs are shown after each other: this due to the different ordernumbers.
How will data be read from the machine channel into OEE Coach?
To import data from the Machine Channel Table into OEE Coach, a job needs to run in the DataLyzer service manager. {NEEDS more EXPLANATION}
The Jobspec configuration
When you install the service manager {EXPLAIN?}, in the jobspec.xml you will find the following part:

In the service manager, create the job of job type OEEmachinechannel. This job will read the specification in the jobspec.xml.
How will the service manager behave?
The service manager can connect to the OEE database but it is not required. {SHOULD IT OR NOT; WHY}
- Based on a schedule, the OEE Import job will check if there are new records created in the machine channel table. When those are not imported yet, such data will be imported into the OEE Coach database.
- When a shift is finished (defined by the shift-duration) the import job will close the shift and create a new shift, where the data-collection will continue in order not to lose any data in cases where the machine is still running. The importer will use a default shift. {EXPLAIN} NOTE: It needs to be defined where the shift can be taken from.
- When a record is read, the cycleid will be changed to the current active cycle. In this way it is clear the data is stored in a shift in OEE Coach.
- When you are importing data and the Data Collect module is opened, the screen will be updated in real time.
- In situations where historic data is not imported yet, the OEE Import job will start with the oldest non-imported record. At that moment data collect will show the history but it will catch up until the real time status is shown.
- The OEEmachinechannel job can be interrupted without consequences. When it restarts it will pick up where it left off last time and will import from there.
How to import external data into the machine channel table
Data can be imported from any source; as long as it contains the needed oee data to fill the required fields.
We can offer an import job. Or as a user you may create your own job to store data in the machine channel table.
In the DataLyzer Service manager we can collect the data from the OPC Server running an OPC job. In that case we will read and write the results on a predefined interval. To do so you create a new job of type OPCSPCAdaptor.
In case OPC DA architecture is used intermediate solution from Kepware is used to get access to the OPC Server.
In the job setting you have to specify the linkgroup for the OPC configuration.

It is critical that the service manager is active for this job because if the service manager is stopped, data will not be stored in the machine channel table and because the OPC server doesn’t hold historic data that data can never be retrieved anymore.
OEE master data setup
Machine masterdata
In OEE Coach you need to configure the [machine master data] as shown in the screen below

- The PLC Machine ID relates to the machineid from the machinechannel table. Here the link is established between the PLC id and the OEE machine ID.
- For data collection mode you select Automatic Mode Channel and Single piece.
- In a similar way in the product and activity configuration you will see a PLC id field {How can a product/activity then be used in two different channels?? Should that not have been done in MAP??}.
Machine Channel configuration
In the master data in the Machine Channel configuration {is that other screen than sensor configuration?} you can setup the defaults

In the example above if there is 2 minutes no data, the system will indicate a short stop which is of type short idle. After 5 minutes no output, that downtime will change to ‘select downtime Reason and Remarks’ and the operator will be asked to enter the right downtime code. When no product is selected the OEE import will select ‘DummyProduct’.
Make sure the 2 activities and the product selected here are available in the M-A-P for this machine!