OEE Coach Software Help

Features of the ANALYSES SCREENS

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Features of the ANALYSES SCREENS

All analyses screens are uniformly designed and have several common features:

Standard Buttons


Creates the graph based on the selected criteria. Needs to be clicked to recalculate if you change queries


Makes it possible to print a hard copy, or export it to a number of Windows formats (like PDF). The Printe module offers numerous options.

Date Query

Select Time Period

Selects the period to make the analysis.

What is included in the selection?

When you have selected the From- and To date, by default, the OEE Coach calculates the graph including the OEE calculations that STARTwithin this date range.

This means the last shift might go into the next date after the given end date.

See also IV  1.2Tips for Working with the Calendar

Preset Date Range Selector

Quickly select a predefined data-range:

By default you will select your own ‘custom’ date range. Clicking the ‘custom’ dropdown allows your to select one of the commonly used, predefined data-ranges like week, month etc.

Date Range scope

Changing the date-range in one report will change the default settings for any other report. In this way analyses or other reports can start right away with the same date range.

General Query

Select Machine(s)

It is possible to select a line/group or a single machine. If no machine is specified, all machines are selected. (an analysis of all machines simultaneously is usually not very meaningful as you are then mixing apples with oranges).

When a line/group is selected, all machines in this group will be included in the calculation.

Select Shift(s)

Normally you will select all shifts.

A filter can be applied to one- or all shifts


You want to analyze whether less managers during night shifts influences the OEE.

Select Team(s)

Normally you will select all teams.

A filter can be applied to one- or all teams

Example: You want to analyze whether less trained personnel in ‘Team1’ influences the OEE.

Display Features

Validate Data

The data in the filter will be checked for mistakes similar as Validate Data in menu [Data].

  • When not checked, the chart will be marked as [Unvalidated Data]
  • When checked, the result of the check will be displayed; validation takes time, so the chart is build a bit slower

Show Values Above..

In Charts containing a lot of elements with small values, it is possible to ‘cut off’ the small values. In this example, bars would only be shown if they had a value of 1% or more. The smaller items will be added and shown as “Other”

Show Items when 0

In several charts, it is possible to hide those data-items for which no value has been entered or calculated.

In some cases, you may want to see the full sequence in time, without visually ‘compressing’ the timeline: in that case you want to show an empty spot when there was no value.

Show Andon

In some charts, the Andon lines can be displayed. The values are based on the definitions in the table Machines.

Number of items to show

Bar charts with a lot of bars will be broken into several ‘pages’. Define here how many bars you want to see in one ‘page’

Rotating Pie

Pie charts can be rotated. This can prevent the labels of the different parts of the chart from overlapping each other.

Color conventions

Colors of activitiesEach activity category has its own visual display: green: Production [P]orange: Waiting [W]blue: Line Restraint [L]red: Breakdown [F]ailureyellow: [U]nscheduleddark-grey: time missing in a shift, [No-Data]light-grey: Not Scheduled (X)
Colors of product analysisEach product category has its own visual display: green: [G]ood productred: [S]craporange: [SS]ub-Specyellow: Rework [R]
Colors of performance analysisEach performance loss category has its own visual display: Purple: SpeedlossesPink: Minor stops