OEE Coach Software Help

How to add ACTIVITIES to a SHIFT

Table of Contents


  • Select [+ New Activity]
  • Depending the type of activity, you would like to add, click on the appropriate activity button.
  • To select a [P]roduction activity, select [P] at the left hand side of the Choose Activity menu and then select the production activity:

If there are more production activities displayed, select the correct one.

  • You may want to correct the start time: in this case the previous’ activities duration will be corrected automatically.
  • In Semi-Automatic mode: When the actual time is within the time of the chosen shift, the app will take the actual time as start-time for the new activity. If you do not enter a duration within 60 seconds, the timer will start automatically in order to clock the duration of this current activity.
  • In manual mode: You need to enter the duration manually
  • When entering the activities retrospective (in any mode): Repeat steps 1-3 until all Activities that occurred have been entered. Choose either to enter the start time or the duration of each activity in order to have a closed sequence to time-frame’s to cover the whole shift.

Adding PRODUCT(s) to an ACTIVITY

After choosing an activity of type [P], you now must select the [G]ood product the machine is or was producing at that moment:

  • Select the ‘+’ button under the green Production button.
  • Select [Good] in the menu
  • Select the correct product from the product list
  • Press the ‘SELECT’ button to confirm your choice

Remember: even if there is only scrap being produced: Always enter [G]ood-product first, even if the output was zero. In this way the app knows to what product the scrap belongs!

More on ADDING OUTPUT to an activity

Sequence of Activity list

If you would like to arrange the sequence of the activities in the activity list, i.e. to make them identical to the activities of the OEE registration form, reorder the activities in the [Machine-Activity-Product] master data screen, to define the ‘order of appearance’ in your activity menu.