OEE Coach Software Help

How to calculate ‘PERFORMANCE’

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How to calculate ‘PERFORMANCE’

It is crucial to understand the concepts of ‘Speed’ and ‘Performance’
Make sure to understand how OEE Coach handles this!  

What is the ‘Performance Rate’?

The performance rate is related to the question: did the machine run at its maximum speed? When a machine is in operation, ideally speaking it is producing good products at a speed that is equal to its maximum speed. In practice, machines usually operate at a lower speed or now and then stop for seconds (loss due to minor stoppages) reducing the effectiveness of the machine. The performance rate reflects the ratio between the speed the machine could run theoretically versus the speed it was running actually.


The performance rate is a ratio between the Actual output and the Theoretical output based on the maximum speed of the machine, during the time the machine is actually producing products.

For example, if a machine is operating only 240 minutes out of the planned 480, the Availability Rate is 50%. If it is capable of producing 10 units per minute, the theoretical output is 240 min x 10 = 2400. When the actual output is 1440, the Performance Rate is 60% ((1440/2400) * 100%). In other words, the performance rate indicates at what average speed the machine is operating (i.e. during the Running time! It is the ratio between the average operating speed and the maximum speed. In the example: the actual average speed was 6 units per minute (60% x 10 units per minute = 6 units per minute).


In the case of losses due to performance, the machine produced fewer products than was to be expected given its design. Therefore, the machine did not deliver an optimal performance. By documenting the maximum speed and measuring the set speed, the speed losses due to reduced speed and short stoppages become clear.

See also: OEE Industry Standard: Performance