OEE Coach Software Help

How to Change, add and remove parameters in MAP

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How to Change, add and remove parameters in MAP

After you have defined the parameters and linked them in the table Machine-Time-Output, you might want to change, add or remove Activities or Outputs to a machine. E.g. a description of an Activity is not correct. Or you discover that a certain Activity never occurs, a new Output is added to the Output package of the machine, or a scrap type of Output is not occurring anymore due to improvements!


Preferably no changes are required after you started to measure the OEE on a machine. However, when you know how to change, add or remove parameters you can use this option.

What is affected when changing the MAP?

Changes in the MAP will only apply to NEW shifts. Existing shifts are made based upon the MAP settings at the moment of creation of the shift! To make changes to existing shifts use Data -> Batch-update

Adding parameters

To add parameters follow the instructions as described in this book. First add the definition of a new machine, activity or product to the Machine-, Activity or product master-data and then link activities and products  to the machine in the table Machine-Activity-Product (MAP). The newly added items will now be available in the main screen to be used while registering OEE data.

Changing description of parameters

The description of parameters can be changed. All texts in the MAP and shift data will be changed automatically. However, historical data about speeds etc. in the registered shifts will be kept.

Changing speed parameters

Changing the Name Plate Capacity, Standards or Equivalent values is not possible for existing OEE calculations.

The outcome for each shift (=OEE calculation) is stored based on the settings at that moment. When modifying the equipment or product, speed- and equivalent values can be changed for future OEE calculations in one of the tables or in the table Machine-Activity-Product. Be aware of consequences for OEE graphs and OEE trends.