OEE Coach Software Help

How to PRINT or EXPORT charts

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How to PRINT or EXPORT charts

The print function in OEE Coach supports a wide range of output possibilities.

Not only can charts and reports be send to a printer, they can also be exported in a wide range of formats.

Click on the printer icon at the bottom right of the chart screen.

Result: the window Print Preview appears with a sample hard copy and possible settings.

Pressing the print-button starts the default windows-printerdialog to send the chart to your printer.

Options in Print Preview Screen

Opens thumbnails, allowing more easy navigation through multi-page documents

Search for a specific text in the document

Opens the windows printerdialog, allowing to change printersettings

Quick-print, using the default printer and printersettings

Page-Setup: Change paper format and the margin-settings of the document

Stretch or shrink the page-content

Navigate in a multi-page document

Show one or more pages in the preview screen

Export the content to a file:  

Export the content to one of the available formats and attach it to an email

Scroll multiple pages – Show multiple pages in one screen

Add a watermark to the content