OEE Coach Software Help


Table of Contents


The behavior of several elements in the software can be configured depending your preferences.

There are 2 different settings that will influence the behavior.

  1. System Preferences: General settings for the software
  2. User preferences: General settings per logged-in user, valid where the user has logged in.

System Preferences

System Preference settings are general settings that apply to all users on the computer they are set on.

Preferences can be changed by users who are granted to do so.

Some preferences are set by default, but can be overruled per computer. Changing preferences in the preference screen will not affect your local settings on the computer.

How to set the System Preferences

  • Select [SYSTEM] in the main menu
  • Select [System Preferences]

General Settings

Languages folderLocation of the languages files e.g. “English.xml”. For each installed language there is one file. Languages can be modified using the OEE Coach Language Tool.
Logo FolderPut your company logo here to be printed on your reports.
Splash-screen picture folderLocation of the picture shown in the splash-screen when OEE Coach is started:

Analyses Settings

# Days for Moving Average in Day-GraphsWhen set to 21, each day a moving average is calculated over the last 21 days.
# Weeks for Moving Average in Weeks-GraphsWhen set to 6, each week a moving average is calculated over the last 6 weeks.
# Months for Moving Average in Months-GraphsWhen set to 3, each month a moving average is calculated over the last 3 months.

Report Errors settings

EnableWhen enabled, technical details about this error will be stored in the log-file. Based on your settings here, the app can connect to the OEE Coach FTP server to send a message about an error that might have occurred or can store the file on a local drive. To read the log-file send, go to [System] [View Log]
DestinationSelect [FTP] to send the logfile to the OEE Coach technical staff Select [Local Drive] to store the file on a local network drive
Delete logfile after sendingDeletes the logfile after this has been sent to the give FTP server
FTP Server addressDefault: ftp://ftp.oeeworld.com/
FTP User Namef103981.exceptions
Password (The default password to this server is not public)
PassiveR (do not change if you don’t know what it does)
Enable SSL£ (do not change if you don’t know what it does)

Auto Update Settings

EnableWhen enabled, the app will check for updates on the given medium and apply the update when available
SourceSelect [FTP] to download the setup-file from a server such as the OEE Coach updates-server Select [Local Drive] to read the file from a local network drive
FTP Server AddressDefault: ftp://ftp.oeeworld.com/
FTP User Namef103981.updates
Password******** (The default password to our server is not public)
Passive[X] (do not change if you don’t know what it does)
Enable SSL[-] (do not change if you don’t know what it does)