OEE Coach Software Help

How to handle multiple product runs in one shift

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How to handle multiple product runs in one shift

It is not uncommon that several different products are being made in one shift. How then, do we process data?

Case 1

Imagine the following situation:

  1. The machine runs for 240 minutes and produces 200 units of Product L2
  2. Coffee breaks last 30 minutes
  3. The machine runs for an additional 240 minutes and produces 210 units of Product L2

This may be registered as follows:

This means: In 480 minutes of production time, 410 units of Product L2 were produced during 2 runs.

Case 2

Another situation:

  1. The machine runs for 240 minutes and produces 200 units of Product L2
  2. Setting up the machine takes 15 minutes
  3. Coffee breaks last 30 minutes
  4. The machine runs for an additional 225 minutes and produces 190 units of Product I

This information has to be documented as follows;

This means: During the first run of 240 minutes, 200 units of product L2 were produced and during the second run of 225 minutes, 190 units of Product I.

Common Mistakes

Frequently, the following error is made when registering the data of case 2 (2 runs producing 2 different products):

This means: In one run totaling 465 minutes, product L2 and I are produced simultaneously. Now the performance rate is no longer correct. The expected output is calculated as if BOTH products are produced simultaneously at their Theoretical Speed, during 465 minutes. The result is a false (a very high) Theoretical Output resulting in a very low Performance Rate.

Parallel output

Of course, there are also machines that do produce more products at the same time. Take, for example, a stamping unit. In case of parallel production of more than one product, the above registration is the correct way of registering the data.