OEE Coach Software Help
OEE Financial Calculations
Table of Contents
What is calculated how
After selecting a machine and a time range, OEE coach will calculate the financial result of that machine in that time range
Item | Source | Calculation |
Days | Filter: from-date Until-date | The amount of days included in the filter: in days and daysx24 = hrs |
[-]not scheduled | calculated here | Days – Shift time |
Shift time | Shiftdata (cycles) | Sum of all shift-durations of shifts starting within the fitler |
[U]nscheduled | Shiftdata (cycles) | Sum of all [U]scheduled activities within the shifts within the filter |
Scheduled | Shiftdata (cycles) | Shift-time – [U]scheduled (equals: sum of [P]+[W]+[F]+[L] activities within filter) |
[L]ine restraint | Shiftdata (cycles) | Sum of all [L] activities duration within the filter |
[W]aiting | Shiftdata (cycles) | Sum of all [W] activities duration within the filter |
[F]ailure | Shiftdata (cycles) | Sum of all [F] activities duration within the filter |
[P]roduction | Shiftdata (cycles) | Sum of all [P] activities duration within the filter |
Cost of Time
Field | Source | Calculation |
Avg/Hr | Shiftdata – Teams Master: Each team in Teams-Master has an average hourly teammember rate. Different teams with different rates might have worked within the filter-period | Sum of: all(shift labor time x teams hourly rate) Weighted average of the involved teammember wages {needs clarification for multiple teams} |
Op | Shiftdata (cycles) | Amount of actual present operators per activity type. For each type, sum of all (activity duration x Actual present operators) divided by total actual activity duration of that type |
Labor | Shiftdata (cycles) | Amount of actual labor minutes per activity type. For each type, sum of all (activity duration x Actual present operators during that activity) |
Cost | Calculated here | Labor time x Average Hourly wages |
Overhead Costs
Item | Source | Calculation |
Per Hour | calculated here from values in Machine Master | 24/7 costs in Machine Master divided by amount of hours in the year of the filter |
Hrs within filter (right column) | calculated here | Hrs within filter x ‘Per Hour’ |
Conversion Costs
Item | Source | Calculation |
24/7 costs | calculated here from values in Machine Master | (24/7 costs in Machine Master devided by amount of hours in the year of the filter) X Hrs in filter |
Labor Costs | calculated here Shift Data | Sum of all (Activity duration x actual operators x Team Wage) |
Per [P]roduction Hr | (Total 24/7 cost + Laborcost) devided by total [P]roduction hrs in filter | |
Per produced item | (Total 24/7 cosy + Laborcost) devided by ALL produced items (G/S/SS/R) | |
Per [G]ood Item | (Total 24/7 cost + Laborcost) devided by [G] products, produced within the filter |
Produced Output: Each category has its own calculation
Good product
Item | Source | Calculation |
# [G]ood | Shift data | Total amount of all produced [G]ood items |
Value | calculated here from shiftdata en value described in MAP | Sum of all (produced [G]ood products x value in MAP) |
material cost | calculated here from shiftdata en value described in MAP | Sum of all (produced [G]ood products x material cost in MAP) |
Conversion | calculated here from shiftdata en value described in MAP | Sum of all (produced [G]ood products x conversion cost/ produced item) |
Handling | calculated here from shiftdata en value described in MAP | Sum of all (produced [G]ood products x Handling cost in MAP) |
In the same way the reject categories are calculated and displayed:
Scrap product
Rework product
SubSpec product
Output summary: result for all Output
Item | Source | Calculation |
# Items Produced | Shift data | Total amount of all produced [G][S][R][SS] items |
Value | calculated here from shiftdata en value described in MAP | Sum of all (produced [G][G][S][R][SS] products x value in MAP) |
Total cost | calculated here | Sum of all (material+conversion+handling) of all produced [G][S][R][SS] products |
Total result | calculated here | Total Value – Total Cost |
# [G]ood products | calculated above | Sum of all produced [G]ood products |
Cost per [G] | calculated here | Total cost / #[G]ood Products |
Result per [G] | calculated here | Total result / #[G]ood Products |