OEE Coach Software Help

Error Detection & Validation System for Incorrect Input

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Error Detection & Validation System for Incorrect Input

Besides the messages on the Validation Error tab in the main OEE calculation screen, you will see errors marked in red in the Summary and Activities tab.

As long as these warning signals appear, the results of the OEE calculation are not reliable!

Correct the errors before you release the OEE calculation.

Warnings in Summary screen

Warnings in Activity screen

Potential errors

The three most common data entry errors that may occur are:

  1. The total time of the entered activities is not equal to the duration of the shift (field Duration). Signal will be shown in the summary window Availability.
  2. The actual output is higher than the expected output based on the actual production speed, or based on the Standard.
  3. The actual output is zero

1. Errors in Entered Time vs. Duration of Shift

Errors in calculating the Availability rate may occur if the total time of the entered activities is not equal to the duration of the shift. Having less time registered than expected duration of the shift (see field Duration) causes a signal (red mark). Having MORE time registered than the expected shift duration will be understood  as over-time.

Time registered exceeds duration of shift

When MORE, or LESS time is registered than the expected shift duration, a warning will appear in the Validation Errors tab:

Pressing the white-in-blue arrow takes you to the place where you can correct this error, if wanted.


  1. Check whether the entered durations of the activities are correct;
  2. Adjust the incorrect activity or change the duration of the shift by adjusting the field Interval.

2. Errors in Actual and Expected output

The Performance rate will be incorrect if the actual output is higher than the expected output based on the actual production speed, or even based on the Standard. Both situations are described below.

Actual output is higher than Target output at Speed

In the Data Satellite or ViewData screen, output errors are marked red in three tabs (so you cannot miss it!!). In this example the (Actual) Output is higher than could have been possible at the set speed (Expected).

When output is calculated in Kg/Hrs instead of Kg/Min….

If the Unit of Measure is Kg/Hr, the system calculates the expected output as Duration (in min) x set or max output in min.

When the system detects an error:

  1. Check whether the number of produced units in the column Quantity should have been lower;
  2. Check whether the set speed in the column Speed should have been higher;
  3. Check if the duration of the Production run was actually longer.

Actual Output is higher than Theoretical Output

  • Cause of red signal next to field Output:
    The actual number of units produced (column Quantity) is higher than could have been possible at the Standard speed (column Expected);
  • Cause of red field Minor Stops:
    Negative Minor Stops (more output than expected;
  • Cause of red field Performance Rate:
  • The performance rate is higher than 100%


  1. Check whether the number of produced units in the column Quantity should have been lower;
  2. Check whether the set speed in the column Speed should have been higher;
  3. Check if the duration of the Production run was actually longer;
  4. Check if the Standard was set too low: Define the standard high enough to prevent performance rates above 100%!
  5. If the Output indicates red but is lower than or equal to the Max or Expected Output, check whether there is a production activity with an output of zero in the Activities tab.