OEE Coach Software
The best OEE Software with the longest historyOEE Coach Software lets all departments speak the same language,
striving for the same goals…
From “They never…” and “They should…”
to “WE succeed” and “WE Solve”
In many factories ‘the other departments’ seem to be rather an enemy than a helping partner. The OEE Coach Software enables a common language and to celebrate mutual successes based on understandable facts and figures.
OEE Coach – A Value Driven Productivity Software:
Total Productive Manufacturing Execution System (TPMES)
OEE Productivity Software that HELPS the crew instead of HINDERS
Shopfloor Centred
The best OEE Software to support the work of the people on the shopfloor, enabling the operations management to fulfill all the conditions needed to have a World Class Manufacturing Factory.
Flexible and Connected
OEE Software designed to visualize ANY loss on ANY machine; it can be configured just the way you need it for your specific situation. However you grow; OEE coach Software grows with your needs.
OEE Coach uses Intelligent Algorithms to assure the most accurate data possible; detecting flaws and mistakes and giving proper feedback to the users. But most important: It generates intelligent and validated charts, reports and overviews.
Imagine a machine where OEE, SPC and Financial Value
are the key drivers to operate and improve…
What if…
…OEE visualizes ALL phenomenons that hinder value-creation.
…SPC visualizes essential parameters that lead to such deviations;
… Where SPC predicts the phenomenon BEFORE it pops up in the OEE
… Where operational decisions can be made on actual financial effects.
With OEE Coach OEE Software and DataLyzer SPC Software this can be done. You gain access to the most important information to grow towards Zero Losses and Zero Emission.
The Connected Factory
OEE Coach connects the Technical System with the Social System.
And it connects key-systems to improve productivity.
The best SPC software…
DATALYZER (est. 1979) is the world’s leading party for quality management tools and training.
DataLyzer was the producer of the world’s first SPC software in 1981.
The best OEE software…
OEE COACH is most advanced OEE software.
It is the newest successor of Arno Koch’s OEE Toolkit, the world’s first OEE software from 1995.
…Datalyzer OEE Coach!
DATALYZER OEE COACH is the perfect Productivity Software matching two worlds:
The dreamed toolbox to
World Class Manufacturing.