OEE COACH - Features Overview
an overview of the most flexible OEE shop floor softwareWalk the Overview to see many features topic by topic
Fast and Easy Implementation

Up- and running within 24 hrs
With a bit of preparation it is possible to get your OEE registration up and running within 24 Hrs;
- Install Software
- Define OEE parameters
- Train shopfloor people
- Start data collection
- Can import from OEE Toolkit database: Keep your previous data (Free)
- Import other OEE databases optional (provided appropriate data structure. Additional costs may apply)
- Corrections where needed to obtain valid information
- A network of highly experienced teachers and consultants in the field of TPM, Lean and Monozukuri.
- A personal OEE coach will provide the first line helpdesk.
- Coaches are trained and supported by the OEE COACH Development Team.
- Online Helpdesk lets you talk directly to the OEE Coach core-team
- Onsite support & trainings available
Effective User Interface

- Easy operation; designed for ease-of-use at the shopfloor
- Allows operators to enter data directly at their machine on a normal laptop/PC tablet or industrial PC
- Allows management to see live shift activities at the machine
- Data Entry in Touchscreen & Keyboard operation
- Shopfloor team can make analyses on the spot in one application
- Data accessible by any (authorized) user from any place where needed
- Even in large configurations operator/user screen will not ‘overflow’ with redundant data
- Context sensitive On-Screen hints on every spot where a question may rise
- Prints powerful yet easy to understand charts and reports on-screen, to printer or to file
- Your company’s logo can be printed on charts and reports
3 Data Entry Modes
- Operator enters data in OEE form
- Teamleader checks data, transfers forms in OEE Coach and locks calculation
Semi-Automated Mode
- No sensors needed
- Operator manually changes activity, system automatically registers time and duration
- Operator manually enters output
- Identifies Minor Stops without sensors
Automated Mode
- Can be configured for automated data-collection
- Sensor can detect running vs idling
- Sensor can detect volume(s) of good product
- Sensor can detect volume(s) of rejected
- Collected data can be modified retrospective or immediately
Easy Data Entry

Data entry configurable to suite your situation
- Units per second, minute or hour
- Manual, semi automatic or automatic
- Volume as ‘single pieces’ (‘X’)
- Volume as ‘Counter’ (X till Y)
- Volume as ‘Square’ (L x W)
- Volume as ‘Cubic’ (L x W x H)
- Volume as ‘Calendar’ (L x B x H x SG)
- Counters: counting up or down
- Volume as ‘Counter’ (X till Y)
- Date formats from d.hh:mm to hh:mm:ss
- Can store Batch and Order numbers
- Can store additional information per
- Shift
- Activity
- Product
- Rejected output
- Remembers filter-setting when making multiple analyses
- Collects AS LITTLE as possible data in order to generate AS MUCH as possible INFORMATION that leads towards IMPROVEMENT.
Easy to correct entered data
- Sequential time-line: no time gets ‘lost’
- Easy to change time, add or delete activities etc.
- Activities can be splitted, moved, deleted
- Shifts can be splitted
Closed Timeline in Registration

- OEE Coach knows start- and end time of shift
- Start and end of each activity are in sequence
- OEE Coach validates the timeline: No gaps or overlaps
- Easy to correct errors
Easy Shift Review

- Teamleader can review shift by shift or check shifts in a batch
- Teamleader can view progress of shift on his own PC or at the line
- Teamleader/operator can correct mistakes easily
- Teamleader can add remarks at actities and at each output, good or reject.
- Teamleader can lock the shift after review
- Operator can print shift-report e.g. for daily management meeting
Correct Data Entry: Plausibilisation

- Handles exceeding of maximum speed by actual output in a correct manner, not generating incorrect charts
- Intelligent Algorithms detect data that may not be correct or plausible.
- Provides mechanisms to clean up incorrect data form imported databases.
- Structural mistakes, such as maximum speed defined too low, can be adapted automatically.
- Visual indicators detect and identify data that is not plausible to be correct.
- Generating information based on invalid data will be detected to prevent erroneous charts etc.
- Validation of large amounts of data (e.g. after data import)
- No ‘lost time’ due to closed timeline
How does OEE Coach provides reliable and validate data?
- All entered data is immediately checked for mistakes or plausibility
- Immediate feedback is given on (plausible) data-errors
- Erroneous data can be retrospectively corrected by authorized users
- Selected range of data (e.g. machine x during period y) can be automatically checked
- Data can be locked after validation, i.e. by team leader
- After validation, authorized users can lock shift-data
- Master-data such as maximum speed, shift durations etc. can be locked
- For ease of use, user rights can be defined in ‘roles’ where every role has a set of permissions. Individual PC’s can be configured as what machines, shifts and teams to show, in order not to burden the shop floor with irrelevant data.
User Access & View rights

- Can define unlimited users
- Can define user-roles
- Can assign user-rights
- Can detect PC’s in network
- Can assigng views to PC’s: Operator only sees machines, sifts and teams he need to see.
Measures & reports multiple KPI’s

- OEE: Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Regular shift time, unscheduled time excluded
- OOE: Overall Operations Effectiveness. Regular shift time, unscheduled time included
- OEE Solitair: Regular shift time, all line restraints excluded
- TEEP: Total Effective Equipment Performance. All calendar time included
- OEE where each product has its own Max Speed
- OEE Top where all output measured against NPC (Name Plate Capacity)
Freely definable Master Data

- Unlimited Units of Measure in all categories
- Unlimited definable Shifts
- Can handle fixed and variable shift-duration
- Can handle fixed or flexible start time
- Can allow an early start of a shift within a pre-set time-range
- Can register actual start- and end time
- Can handle long shifts
- Does closed-time registration (no overlap or gaps in time)
- Unlimited definable Teams
- Unlimited definable Machines (within the range of your license)
- Free Machine-grouping; Countries, factories, buildings, departments, lines, cells etc.
- Unlimited definitions of products
- Import of existing product-lists
- Categorizing of products
- Product description
- Connecting ERP numbers
- Unlimited Activities, in 5 loss categories according to the OEE Industry Standard
- Not Scheduled (Saturday-Sunday)
- Unscheduled (Christmas eve)
- Failures (Machine is broken down)
- Waiting (Organizational problems)
- Line-restraints (No input no Output possible)
- Pre-defined activities according to the OEE Industry Standard, free to define
- Identifies Performance losses in 2 categories based on Set Speed and Maximum speed of product-machine combinations:
- Reduced Speed
- Minor Stops
- Free connecting activities to machines and products to activities
- Defaults to Planned duration, -operators, -speed, -set speed
- Identifies unlimited definable Quality losses in 3 categories
- Scrap
- Rework
- Sub-Spec
- Can reuse activities, products, shifts etc. from master-data into machine-specific context
- Can copy or delete whole- and partial trees of machine-definitions for fast definition of multiple machines
- Can register Actual- and Planned number of operators per activity
- Can define Maximum speed per machine (Name Plate Capacity) or per product per machine (Standard)
- Can define multiple different maximum speeds per product, depending the machine it runs on, in different units of measure.
- Definable time-format per machine
- Definable decimal settings for registered output – calculated output – Charts
- Definable Unit of measure per definable time-range (Kg/Min – Ton/Hr etc)
- Can register duration in specific format per machine (Minutes for normal use, hh:mm or dd:hh:mm for long run processes like beer brewing)
- Can define how to calculate Equivalent values (Counting in bottles, reporting in Hectoliters)
- Can sort & display (master)data name, type or free defined: just as needed.
Different Units of Measurement

Measures in:
- Weight
- Content
- Length
- Surface
- Volume
- Pieces
- Free definition possible
- SI conversion-tables included; e.g. from Km to Miles and v.v.

Displaying output in different units
- Can calculate Equivalent values (Count in bottles, report in Hectoliters)
- Allows values to be calculated and displayed in different units:
- the value that the data was captured, e.g. ‘Bottles’
- the calculated equivalent value: e.g. ‘Hectoliters’
- time: Volumes can be converted in effective time.
Smart Measuring of ‘Speed’
- Can define speed settings for different products on the same machine seperately
- Theoretical maximum speed (the ‘Standard‘)
- Default ‘Set Speed‘
- Planned speed
- Can define different speed-settings for the same product, produced on different machines
- Can define different speed-settings for multiple products produced in parallel on the same machine
- Can define different production-runs having different speed-settings for the same product(s)
- Can define maximum speed for the machine (Name Plate Capacity – NPC)
- Detects- and can correct wrong speed settings
Registering Multiple-, Parallel- and Long Cycle Output

- Can register multiple products with different speeds at one machine
- Can register a product running on different machines with different speeds
- Can register multiple different products, produced with different speeds parallel on one machine
- Can register batches running in different shifts
- Can register different types of production runs on a machine e.g. running with half a die
- Can register different shift-lengths and variable lengths
- Can register long processes like beer-brewing or stone-backing
- Can handle registration for machine-counters (e.g. from 1234 till 624)
- Can register unlimited multiple production runs on a machine
- Can register multiple machines operated by ONE operator simultaneously on one computer
- 3D printer Arrays
- Autonomous Injection moulders
- Assembly Robots
- Can store Batch (traceability) and Order (logistics) numbers
Handles Complex Situations

- Machines generating several products in parallel
- Arrays of machines simultaneously generating different products
- Environments working in metric AND imperial measures
- Environments where output is determined by several values
- Environments using different shift models (also see: Shift Planner)
- Machines using extreme different cycle-times
- Machines running un-manned
- Batch, process or discrete
- Etc….

- ID numbers in master tables allow connection to SAP or other ERP system
- Products can be imported from external systems like SAP
- Machines can be linked to Datalyzer SPC information
Data Crunching

Filter Data
Reports, charts and other data processing can be filtered on any cross-section of:
- Machine/Group/Line/department/factory: free to define
- Date-range: Pre-set (e.g. ‘Last Month’) or free-range
- Shift
- Team
- Where applicable:
- Activity
- Activity type
- Product
- Product type
- Allows multiple KPI calculations (according to OEE Industry Standard):
- OEE (excluding non- and un-scheduled time)
- OEE Solitair (excluding non/un-scheduled time and Line Restraints)
- OOE (including non/un-scheduled time and Line Restraints)
- TEEP (Including all time 24×7)

Data Grouping
- Allows grouping per shift, day, week and month
- Reports and charts showing a progress will do this by aggregating data per chosen time span:
e.g. you may see how your OEE evolves
- from shift to shift
- from day to day
- from week to week, or
- from month to month.
This gives you the right ‘resolution’ to get enough information, yet not too much detail.

Help Lines
Projects different helplines such as:
- Trend
- Best individual Shift in the given timeframe
- Best Day/Week/Month
- Highest-Lowest: Per group e.g. week, what was the highest and lowest value? Showing the spreading.
- Best of Best: The best availability in a shift x best Performance x best quality. They may not have occurred in the SAME shift, but they did occur. This gives a hint about the capability of the machine.
- Andon lines: preset upper and lower values where we expect the OEE to be in between: Shows positive and negative deviations.
User Assistance

- Shows ToolTip help where help could be needed
- Products and Activities have free-text explanation
- Includes default activities with explanation from OEE Industry Standard
- Extensive online knowledge base replaces classical manual
- Access to online help-desk
Sharing Information

Sharing Information
- For Charts and Reports
- can be printed, saved as file or PDF, emailed etc.
- can be grouped and automatically distributed to users on scheduled moments (See optional OEE Report Scheduler)
- can be displayed on dashboards (See optional OEE Dashboard)
Live registration: direct sharing
- Collected data directly available e.g. for teamleaders, maintenance dpt.
- Can be used for all ‘logbook communication’:
- Can add Remarks to each activity and product
Easy and meaningful Analyses
It doesn’t makes sense to register data, when there is barely data-crunching possible to gain the right insights. The operations team wants to eliminate the losses that reduce the value creation of the equipment.
OEE COACH strives to give answers to any relevant question about occurring losses. It has four types of data-processing:

Aggregating charts
Bring loads of data back to one chart to give a resume; give insights at a glance.
In-Time charts
How is the development in time; data will be aggregated per shift, per day, per week or per month.
Aggregating reports
Sum- and group loads of data in order to gain more insight in underlying numbers.
In-Time reports
Shuffle data in a way the actual or grouped data allow a more understandable way of presentation.
Easy Reporting with Pre-defined Documents

- Shift Report giving full information about a shift
- Period Report giving full information about a selected periode of time
- Management Report giving full information about one or more machines over a selected period of time
Ready to go Charts
Effectiveness Loss Pie
Aggregated Chart.
Displays Classic Loss Pie for OEE, OOE, Solitair and TEEP.
Shows at a glance how much potential there is and where to search.
Shows Duration & Percentage.

Effectiveness Loss Cascade
Aggregated Chart.
Displays Classic Loss Cascade
Shows at a glance where your potential is to be found.
(Above OEE, below TEEP)

Effectiveness in Time
Dynamic chart – Highly configurable
Shows progress of your improvement efforts and the spreading (reliability) of the effectiveness.

Andon Chart
Static Chart
Shows at a glance the status of a series of machines i.e. a department, factory etc.
The green and red markers give the preset OEE values: When the machine is within the range it shows yellow. Above is green, below is red.
The lower chart is a different presentation: Here we also see the occurring losses.

Availability Pareto’s
Static charts.
…on Time
The first Pareto shows an analysis on the occurrence in TIME of the selected type of activities. Here we have blended out the Production time to just see the losses.
…on Ocurrence
The second chart shows the same activities, but now sorted on their occurrences: how often did it happen?
…on ‘Mean Time To’
Next analysis is the Pareto on Average duration. How long does this activity takes ON AVERAGE?

Mean Time Between
Mean Time Of
A powerful overview giving quick insight in the factories dynamics.
At this machine, every 1:29 Hrs, it waits 21 min. And also, every 2:10 Hrs, it is 19 min in breakdown. And once per shift, there is a 34 min problem in the throughput of the line… wow, and this is not an exceptional machine!

Activities in Time
This chart allows to track any activity in time, and compare it to one or more other activities.
Here we see Planned Maintenance being reduced by implementing Autonomous Maintenance.

Output in Time
Dynamic Chart
Here we see the effect on the actual output during two years of TPM implementation. The output triples within 2,5 years.

Product Effectiveness
Static Chart.
Shows performance and quality of a product when it runs (so no availability losses). In this way ‘difficult’ products are easy to detect.
- When a product runs on two different machines, differences in effectiveness become visible.

Product Effectiveness in Time
Dynamic chart.
When this product runs; what is its effectiveness?

And more….
- Quality Pie
- Quality Pareto
- Many more to come!
Ready to go Reports

- Activities Overview: e.g. when did we have setups?
- Andon Report (Are we on target?)
- Full Loss Cascade (Where did we lose our effectiveness?)
- Period Report (Quick overview immediately)
- Management Report (Quick resume with all the relevant information)
- Production Output (What was produced when, in time, volume and equivalent units)
- Remarks – Logbook (Filter or construct the logbook for remarks on any activity or output. E.g. Show me all remarks made by ‘filler jammed’)
- Total Output: overview of everything produced

In a European factory we counted 23 different languages on the shop floor!
Therefore, OEE Coach is designed to swap seamlessly from one language to the other.
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Dutch
- Chinese
- Vietnamese
- … Any other language on request
Language Edittor
- Allows editting of the default language translation
- Allows creation of a specific language (e.g. when using medical devices)
- Allows editting of a google-translated language
Remote Access of Data

- centralized database for multi user access
- Internet access to the database if required
Stable & Fast
Stable Operation
OEE Software in general will be used in sometimes though environments. And yet it has to remain reliable. Our database design, the way we access the database remotely, the way we keep the data integrity safe; all provides a solid operation. And even if you might get struck by an unexpected event: our content- and technical specialists will provide a solution to keep you going.
Fast data-processing
- Can process years of data in seconds
- Can draw even the most complex charts and reports in seconds
OEE and SPC Integration

But below the surface we may discover the slowly drifting of product- or process characteristic, ultimately leading to OEE losses. That is the field of SPC.
- OEE Coach integrates with Datalyzer SPC
- SPC control chart available to the operator
Shift Planner Module

- Can pre-define all and any shift-patterns
- Can predefine default Machine- Team – Shift combinations
- Can schedule specific teams to specific macines in the ruling shift-pattern
- Can generate detailed shift-plans
- Prevents shifts to be ‘forgotten’ in OEE Coach
- Counts down the starttime of the shift at then machine
- Prepares the upcoming shift
Financial Module

- Can assign costs- and values to all significant parameters
- Can calculate accurate cost- and value, based on specific OEE pattern
- Allows financial ‘What If’ analyses
- Quantifies the financial impact of a proposed change in operation
- Approved by factory controllers
For- and From Contiuous Improvement People

- OEE Software experts since 1995
- Vizualizing any loss on any equipment
- Contains everyting you need to improve your equipment bottom-up from the shopfloor
- Integrates with Datalyzer SPC; Quality software experts since 1979
See for yourselves
and schedule a demo
where you can see
how it would work for you!
with solid substantiation and no capital investment.
Let us do the math and show you how…
Schedule here: